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Classes this week


W/C 15/04/24


We are very much looking forward to welcoming the children back to school for the summer term.
When we return to school we will be learning about the season of Easter as well as the life of the early church and the role of Mary.
In English we will be looking at mystery writing with Black Dog by Levi Pinfold as our focus text with the outcome to be to write their own suspense narrative.
In maths, we have a short topic continuing length and measure and will be moving on to fractions.
Just a few reminders/pointers please: please can P.E kits continue to come into school on Tuesdays and could spelling books be brought into school ready for your child's new spellings every week.
Also please could name labels be put into all clothing to avoid any mix up in the classroom and wrong clothing going home or getting lost at school.
Many thanks,
Miss Michael and the Bluebell class team

BUTTERCUP CLASS (R/1)                                                                                       15th April 2024

Welcome back to Buttercup Class!

Happy Easter!
Buttercup class are looking forward to their swimming lessons this Friday. Although the weather has warmed up, we would like to ask all children to bring coats into school as well as their swimming kits and a towel.
In maths, the year 1 children are learning about numbers to 50 whilst the reception children are continuing with their number bonds to 10.
In RE, the children have been learning about the Ascension and have painted pictures about what they think Heaven would be like. 

In geography, our topic is the farm. We are learning about where our food comes from as well as the different types of farming.
In literacy, we are reading the book SuperWorm by Julia Donaldson.
In science, we will begin a new unit on plants. 

In DT, the children are looking at structures and will be making windmills. 
Please could we remind all parents the importance of reading with their children each day. We ask that children read with a parent/guardian for 10 minutes each evening and bring their signed reading books into school the next day.

Many thanks

Miss King and team

 Week beginning: 13th May 2024
This week in RE we are completing our RE topic 'To the ends of the Earth'. The children have been learning about the books of the Bible and have created some interesting artwork in their RE books. We have explored the books and the content we would expect to find in both the Old and New Testament. This week the children have also learnt about Pentecost in preparation for Pentecost this Sunday. Your child will have a copy of the Wednesday Word in their bags later in the week which shares the story of the Holy Spirit visiting the Apostles which is recorded in John's Gospel. There are lots of reflection points and fun activities for you to explore with your child and we highly recommend parents and carers look at these with their children.
In maths, year 3 are finishing their unit on time whilst year four have started their new unit on decimals. This will quickly lead to our topic on money and we are encouraging children to think about the value of money. 
In English, we have started reading our new story, The Matchbox Diary. We have completed our own 'I wonder' questions based upon the illustrations. In addition to this, the children have explored direct speech and how to use inverted commas correctly. 

Many thanks for your continued support,

Miss Reynolds and team

SUNFLOWER CLASS (5/6)                Week beginning 15th April 2024
Happy Easter!
In Sunflower Class the children are finishing off the class book, 'The Belle and Lizzie Mysteries'. The children are also planning and writing a biography for one of the main characters of the story,  Ignatius Sancho. 
In RE the children are starting the topic of Pentecost.  In the topic the children will look at the Holy Spirit and how the gift of the Holy Spirit is always working in the world and the transforming power it has.
In Maths the year six children will be gap filling, ready for SATs in a couple of weeks and the year fives are looking at operations, which will be moving on to Fractions and Decimals. 
History we having an exciting topic that will be looking at powerful people manipulating the way history perceives them. 
Best Wishes,
Sunflower Team