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Classes this week

BUTTERCUP CLASS (R/1)                            W/C 27th January 2025                                                                                    

This week in Buttercup Class the children will be adding silhouettes to their African sunsets in Art. These will form part of our Art Exhibition at the end of this half term. 
In English the Y1s are exploring the great text 'The Dragon Machine'. This week they will be creating their own new creature, designing an escape machine and using their senses to describe. While YR's learning will be  based on the fun adventure text 'Would you rather...'.
In Maths the YRs will be starting a new unit on comparing numbers within 10 through lots of practical activities. This with further support the children to have a deep understanding of number to 10, including the composition of each number Subitise (recognise quantities without counting) up to 5. They will also compare quantities up to 10 in different contexts, recognising when one quantity is greater than, less than or the same as the other quantity. The Y1s are continuing their unit on numbers to 20. This unit lays the essential foundations of place value, as the children will begin to recognise the place value of each digit in a 2-digit number. The Children will count in 10s and 1s, learning that they can partition 2-digit numbers into tens and ones. They will find the number that is one more or one less than a given number, noticing when the tens digit changes and when only the ones digit changes. As they become more fluent, they will begin to compare and order numbers to 20 using the < and > signs.
Our RE topic for this half term is 'Galilee to Jerusalem'. We have begun by learning about The Presentation of Jesus at the Temple story. This week we will be learning about when Jesus chose disciples. 
In Geography we will be completing our end of unit task.
We will be starting a new topic in History about Mary Anning focusing on why she is a significant person in history.
Our PE days are Tuesday and Friday. Please can all children come into school in their PE kits on these days. 
Please can I remind you all of the importance of reading with your child for just 10 mins a day. It really does make a huge difference to the progress that they make. Also that it is really important that your child brings their reading books and reading record to school EVERYDAY to ensure that we can change their books when required.

Thank you for your continued support and as always please let me know if you have any questions or worries.

Many thanks,

Miss King

BLUEBELL CLASS (Y2/3)                             W/C: 6th January 2025
We have had a great start back to school this week in Bluebell class, the children are already working amazingly which is great to see.
In English this half term, we are looking at the book 'The Dragon Machine' by Helen Ward. The end of the topic will see the children writing their own stories about their own characters and marvellous inventions. They will learn how to use subordination and coordination, expanded noun phrases and adverbials as well as recap how to use a thesaurus to revamp their vocabularies and use more inventive words in their writing.
In Maths this half term, the year 2 children are looking at properties of 2D and 3D shapes. The year 3 children are learning their 3 and 4 times tables and will move on to the 8 times tables and problem solving with multiplication and division. The year 2 children will move on to a multiplication and division unit looking at using arrays.
Our RE topic is 'Galilee to Jerusalem' this half term, in which we have been learning about John the Baptist and how he links to Isaiah from hundreds of years before. We will recap on what prophets are and what their 'job' is, and then look at some of the miracles that were performed by Jesus including the healing of the paralysed man and the calming of the storm.
In our wider curriculum topics and units this half term the children will be learning music with Mrs Harvey, learning about states of matter in science, taking a trip back through history looking at ancient civilisations in our History lessons, and studying Indian art and creating their own in our Art & Design lessons.
We are in for a very exciting half term and we can't wait to see the progress that the children make.
Many thanks for your continued support,
Mrs Caddick and the Bluebell class team

DAFFODIL CLASS (4/5)                                 W/C: 20th January 2025
This week in Maths, we have been adding and subtracting fractions from whole numbers.
In English, we have continued to work on our shared write for our class book, Leon and the Place in Between.
In Art, we have been creating clay animals.
Daffodil class have also started rehearsing for our school's Easter production.

Many thanks for your continued support,

Miss Reynolds and team
SUNFLOWER CLASS (5/6)                         W/C: 20/01/2025
This week the children will be starting their History and Chinese art. 
In Math we have started looking at fractions. We are looking at equivalent fractions and both 5 and 6 are struggling with this. Can we please ensure that any homework being sent home is being done. This will really help them when moving forward.  
In English we are still looking at Norse Gods and have created some wonderful stories based on these. 
In History we are looking at WW2 and the children have already shown a great interest in it. They have had some brilliant debates and asked some fantastic questions.