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Enrichments and After School Clubs

We now have after school clubs each afternoon that are run by class teachers or Kinetic Sports. We recognise the need for our children to gain a wealth of life experiences and feel that our range of clubs provide just that. All clubs are free of charge and run until 4.15pm each day.

Monday: Italian Lunch Club      KS1 After School Writing Club
Tuesday: KS1 Sports Club        Whole school Woodland Warriors
Wednesday: Drama Club
Friday: Recorder Club and KS2 Sports Club

Watch this space for an update of photos with some feedback from the children.

"How many sleeps is it until I can come to Animal Club again? Mummy please let me come again." (Y2 pupil)

Please contact the office on if you would like your child to take part in any clubs.
These will begin the week beginning 11th September 2023