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Mass and Liturgy Times

Mass times

All of our children celebrate mass throughout the year. Each Wednesday we attend mass at our local church- Our Lady Help of Christians and St. Denis. Our children really enjoy hearing Canon Lock's homilies. The children love to celebrate mass with the parishioners as well as their friends and family. We always receive lovely comments from our parishioners in how well behaved our children are and they love to hear the children read at mass each week. At the beginning and end of each term, the children stay after mass for juice and biscuits which enables them to get to know the parishioners. During Advent and Lent, the children always share some of the hymns and songs they have learnt with the parishioners.

As a school community, we always celebrate Holy days of obligation. At the beginning of September we had a school mass for the Nativity of Our Lady. It was wonderful to celebrate with our newest and youngest children in EYFS. Our GIFT Chaplains regularly support our youngest children to learn their prayers which enables them to grow and develop their relationship with God from the moment they start school.

As Our Lady and St. Denis are important Saints to our school, we have researched these Saints and enjoy celebrating their feast days throughout the year. Look at the beautiful stained glass window year 5 and 6 created. This is proudly displayed at the top of the stairs in key stage two. In key stage two, we have created a book of Saints in which we regularly update on the feast day to that Saint.

Our weekly worship schedule is as follows:

Monday- Staff Celebration Of The Word. This is celebrated as a whole school and we always leave with a take away message, activity and reflection.

Tuesday- Child-led Act of Worship. Each class takes it in turn to plan and implement an Act of Worship. Our oldest children, use a planning board with pictures to support our EYFS and year one children plan their Act of Worship.

Wednesday- Mass at Our Lady Help of Christians and St. Denis, or worship is class.

Thursday- Prayer and Praise. We are extremely fortunate to work closely with Reverend Nathan whom is based at our local Catholic Secondary school. He regularly celebrates prayer and praise with us.

Friday- Celebration assembly. Each week we celebrate our achievements both in and out of school. Parents are invited to attend this and, as a special treat, those children who receive the virtues award, enjoy a lunchtime with Mrs. Maskell drinking hot chocolate. We are always on the look out for our Witness Of The Week.

In addition to our weekly worship schedule, we celebrate Holy days of obligation as well as CAFOD assemblies and Diocesan liturgies. Last term, we read the prayer of the faithful during our Diocesan liturgy.

All of our year six children attend the leavers mass in Exeter which is a very special time to thank God for, and to celebrate, their time at Priory School.